About my Korean roomate
My roomate Dohee is from Korea.
He is 24 years olds.
Dohi came here two months ago to study English just like me.
Hi knows very much about computers since his major in university is IT.
When my family’s computer was infected by computer virus,
Dohee repaired that computer using window-xp disks.
In Korea, It is common to do illegal copies from the internet,
everyone gets free music,movies and software.
That’s why he had formated and repaired the computer 4 times.
Maybe the virus is from a children’s download.
Unforunately I can’t repair thier computer because of my poor english skills and the rist that I could loose important files
when I try.
Dohee fixed the homestay families computer, so he could use it.
He plans to study English this year to improve his skill untill he is in a high-level class.
And then in next year he’ll be a medical student.
Dopee is younger than me and he has a lot of choices.
I’m very envious of him.
Dohee appears to have been famous as a TEKKEN gamer four years ago.
TEKKEN is a PS fighting game.
he has appeared on TV as famous PS gamer.
It’s great!
And his TEKKEN web-site is very famous.
Unfortunately he has no time to play game now because he has to study.
I think it is great to be somothing famouse.
Lately Dohee worries about girls.
It’s very serious problem.
Dohee can’t do anything.
I think he is popular since he is kind, smart and friendly.
That’s why he has many friends.
He has a best friend from Korea.
Dohee’s friend live in Vancouver with two japanese girls.
They are sharing an apartment.
he likes one of the japanese girls very much.
occationally Dohee,his friend,andjapanese roomate go out some place together.
And everyone thinks that Dohee’s and one of the japanese firls are together.
Dohee also think so.
But autually It is not reality.